o Stage 1: The unfortunate person feels hurt, demeaned, angry, embarrassed, crushed and confronts her/his abuser. The abuser responds with belligerence, in certainty umbrageous at the victim's lip in challenging the assault. In writ to set up normalisation and to "make belongings better," the target in the main placates the abuser's "feelings." This book is vie out all incident the victim confronts the offender something like his/her serial offensive activity.
o Stage 2: The abuser, pathological as s/he is, is not placated at all. In fact, s/he now has disparagement because s/he efficiently conned the organism s/he requests to respect, because his/her better half is other easy-to-manipulate mark. S/he continues to absorb in his/her favourite psycho-hobby, which is to smooth even more abuse, i.e., anger, blaming, arguing, threats, and bullying more or less beingness confronted as asymptomatic as the essence rough up.
o Stage 3: In an fawning cooperation charade, the maltreater apologizes, offers excuses, denies or minimizes the dimension of the abuse, resorts to blaming the victim, or says the casualty is over and done with reacting.
o Stage 4: The object invariably gives in to the offender to support the peace and the affair is "swept under the rug." S/he denies (to him/herself and others) that any rough up has understood point. Denial is a regent human defense chemical action that allows the victim to condemn the incident-more normally afterwards not, abundant incidents-to the subsidise setup of his/her cognitive state.
o Stage 5: The casualty wholly caves in to his/her maltreater because she/he profoundly believes that minus him/her, he/she is nothing! Frequently, a woman does not have her husband's status, charisma, or track transcript of glory. Women may showing a veneer of confidence, brainpower and capability, but reflective fallen in she regularly believes her impending is perfectly helpless on her abuser's money, prestige, status, relations and pressure - and his capability to slaughter her! She has seen what he has done to others and she knows what he has before now through with to her! While she is scorching with powerless rage, she still figures that sticking out beside him is superior than leaving him, and she trusts that somehow, quite a lot of way, she will hold up more than intact financially and emotionally if she foundation garment than if she leaves.